Sekapur Sirih

Message from Managing Director
- Suriantama Nasution, SE, SH, MM, MBA, BKP, Advokat, CFP, CMM, CLA, CTL, CMCP, CCMP, CFRM, Ph.D, DR

We have passed the difficult year. Currently our economic environment getting better that is reflected from our currency is stronger, inflation rate is lesser and reviving the trust from international to our national stability and defense. But we still keep few difficult things left like recapitalization private company and some business unit those swayed by economic turmoil, included supply of good human resources and liquidity to boost industry and trading.

We are very sure Indonesia will be succeeded to get out from this crisis and becoming much stronger and wiser in empowering all resources and assets for going concern purpose.

As part of our steps towards becoming “world class with local genius” Satu Pintu Solusi gives total solution with very concerning “green action” to every client, meaning every problem solving is analyzed comprehensively among client, all the parties are involved and the harmony of environment. Total solution are offered regarding Management; Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Production also taxation and law matters. All these entity services delivered to keep going concern of cline, strengthen the system applied, re arrange the vision/mission and set the SMART objective and strategy of client.

Satu Pintu Solusi believes with supporting from expertise and qualified human resources as the important part to get synergy with our client and finally move toward with Satu Pintu Solusi like our motto.

We always at your service in harmony and character

Rian Nasution

Managing Director of Satu Pintu Solusi